Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Final Blog (of this assignment, *sniff*)

okay, so it's not THAT sad. I mean, if any of you really feel that you're going to be lost and lonely without my wry humor, rest easy. I had this blog before the assignment, meaning I'd used it before and suggesting I'll continue to use it. maybe not for this reason, but for similar reasons.
this blog actually DOES have a specific purpose:
a. I get to decide what kind of mind I am.
b. I get to share what I exemplified in my blogging, and
c. I get to express what I realized or what surprised me after developing this blog.

so here goes:

a. according to this nifty pink sheet I have beside me, I would say that I am mostly a synthesizing mind. I accumulate information. pointless information, sometimes (did you know that because of a horse's anatomy, it is physically incapable of vomiting?), but information nontheless. and, like any synthesizer, I take what I'm given, take it for what it's worth (objectively, not subjectively. emotion has no part in facts and figures) and mold it however I need to in order to have it make sense to me or whoever I'm sharing the information with. so, I definitely fit the "synthesizing mind" description. respectful mind works into that too, in a way. however, while I welcome new views and analyses, sometimes these different arguments make my argument stronger, so don't expect a concession on my part, but, as Voltaire once said, "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

b. 1. engage in intellectual discussions - I've commented on other posts, expanding ideas, asking questions, challenging their arguments and allowing them to explain their side of the story. agreeing, mostly, but sometimes maintaining my belief, though it was different.

2. exhibit respect for other viewpoints - never did I attack another blogger's belief. no name calling took place. challenging and making them back themselves up does not equal disrespect or an attack. I didn't even challenge much anyway. most of my maneuvers were defensive or in accordance with another poster.

3. read with awareness of self and others - throughout the experience, I knew what I believed. I was aware of what I was saying and the gravity it would have with some other people. I don't post stuff I might regret posting later. awareness is key. you've gotta know the effect that your post will have on others and the effect that others post might have on you.

and lastly,

c. I realized that sometimes my generalizations span generations that I don't intend for them too. I try not to generalize too much though. I learned that the orange fish on Nick Strange's blog (www.nickstrange.blogspot.com) is fastest (or most consistent, at least). aaaaand, people actually do like reading about my ramblings and don't mind my bias too much. =]

farewell for now.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just so you all know,

I AM going to the show on Saturday. this means that on Monday (or Saturday night/Sunday) I'll post a new blog about the show. I'll review it. of course, I'm super biased because I love the guys in the band and they could sound like crap and I would still love them, BUT, they're great guys. they're down-to-earth. and they make great music. they also made an appearance as extras in Forever the Sickest Kids' new video for the song "She Likes"... I'll post the link in a few.


here's the link:

look for the NfV guys at the end. on the left hand side when the guy wins...

Battles of the Bands...

I think that is the correct pluralization of that word. also, I'm not sure pluralization is actually a word, but I'm using it. deal with it. =]

anyway, I've been thinking about this sort of competition recently... I'm thinking that, while it's a cool opportunity for kids who can't play worth crap to look like fools on stage while "living the dream" of being a "rockstar" for three minutes (ohdeargodnotlongerthanthreeminutes, it's also just a way for kids who can play to show off their skillz. yes, their skillZ.

especially at Roncalli, the Battle of the Bands is largely based on popularity. Not that I had a problem with Jimmy Breeze and the Elevensies' rendition of Jet's "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" (actually, I liked it immensely), but if another band with kids who were just as talented did the same song just as well, but not as many people knew them/were friends with them/had a massive crush on the *insert position of band member here*, I'm not sure that they would have won over a band who had "popular" or well known kids in it. I don't know.

I think that the only way to have a truly fair Battle of the Bands is to listen and watch very objectively without using past performances or visual appeal as a bias. This is super hard to do of course, because we all know that band guys are hot.

as it stands, I think Battles of the Bands are good things on any scale.

SPEAKING of Battle of the Bands (you guys knew it was coming...)

my lovelies in News From Verona have TWO shows this weekend (May 7 and 8) May 7 is at the ES Jungle (6151 Central Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220) with Between the Trees and May 8 is at the Emerson (4630 East 10th Street Indianapolis, IN 46201) with Anarbor and Automatic Loveletter. BOTH are going to be AMAZING shows, so you should go to at least one. contact me if you need more information. they're both clean venues and clean bands, so if that's a worry for parents, they can relax. tickets are cheap ($7 for Friday, $8 for Saturday).

AND, the real reason I started this plug, they're doing a Battle of the Bands for a chance to play at the Indy date of this year's Warped Tour (one of the best summer tours EVER). EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT GOING/DON'T WANT TO GO/DON'T CARE, PLEASE vote for them... I'll appreciate it. they'll appreciate it. and it's a HUGE opportunity for them. go to www.battleofthebands.com/newsfromverona, create an account (or two), and VOTE. you can vote every day. once a day. you can also opt not to receive e-mails from them if you wish. pleeease do this for me. =]
(Roncalli's own Falling With Style is also in the competition and could use your support: battleofthebands.com/fallingwithstyle).