Thursday, April 15, 2010

you're proving my point, Miley

As previously stated, my whole goal with this blog is to establish a clear thought on whether the present music industry is capable of handling the awe that is associated with bands like Queen, the Beatles, and (as much as it pains me to say it,) Metallica.

Exhibit A:

"Somebody To Love", Queen c. 1976

I mean, seriously. How can you even begin to compare an undisputed music great like Queen with today's latest trash?

The simple answer? You can't.
The industry today, like everyone else in the entire world, doesn't know that it's okay to slow down. They push for shorter deadlines in order to get CDs on the shelves (= money in their pockets). In doing so, they run out of bands ready to produce good music, and resort to anyone who has a: pretty face/"mom-/dad-ager"/no shame/money already/an overly inflated ego, etc., etc. The list goes on! Thus, we get garbage like Nickelback, The Jonas Brothers, and Miley Cyrus.
Now, this isn't to say that I don't like ANYTHING by ANY of the artists who are in similar positions. In fact, there are one or two Nickelback songs that I listen to frequently (though they are from their early years when their one song was new and they hadn't re-done it for four albums and just changed the lyrics...). But I digress...

Basically, the rushed studio time (which I believe is exacerbated by the accessibility of music: iTunes-->search-->click-->done) leads to shoddy workmanship.

What do you think? Does the music industry allow true talent (which takes time) to fall to the wayside in order to keep up with the demands of listeners everywhere?

Forthcoming topics:
-> end of "Rock Gods"?
-> vinyl vs mp3
-> how exactly does one "nod their head like 'yeah'"?



  1. Now, some tiny egotistical part of myself likes to think you put that Metallica reference in there just for me =) heh heh...I do agree with you though...It just seems like musicians are sort of getting lazy nowadays and slapping together any old thing just to make a quick buck. I'll be the first to admit that Metallica, though I revere them above Bob Marley himself, hasn't come out with anything particularly fantastic since before I was born. That being said, there IS good music out there...It's just oftentimes necessary to go a bit underground to find it. Anyhoo, there's my two or three cents on the music industry. G'day!

  2. aw, Bryan, you know me so well. hah.
    the Metallica reference is inspired by you, let your ego soar.
    and the post I'm currently typing is EXACTLY what your second point says. it's allllll about supporting local stuff until the music industry gets its act together. local music is what's saving the industry.
